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Macintosh Security Basics - Presentation Notes

Firewalling on OS X - Part 2

Brickhouse’s Add Filter dialog box. Has a lot of presets, or you can create custom ones.
The Advanced Options button lets you specify flags and toggle logging for that rule.

An odd caveat: I had to make an allow rule for SSH inbound from my IP to my IP in order to tunnel SSH from Classic (even though they have the same IP!) If you encounter this sort of strangeness between Classic and X, check your firewall settings. This may not be necessary anymore in 10.2.

Another note: In 10.2, if you want to be able to browse local Windows domains and shares (as opposed to just connecting to them if you know their names), then you’ll need to add an allow rule for UDP traffic with destination port 137 destined for your Mac.

Useful Tools - Network Utility

• ping
• traceroute
• whois
• nslookup
• netstat
• finger
• a port scanner (careful with that one.)
In most, if not all cases, these tools will work better and/or have more options if you use them from the CLI. Especially netstat. (netstat -an | less) Know the Terminal. Love the Terminal.

Useful Tools - Keychain

Keychain can store your passwords for frequently-accessed things, and prompt you for your Keychain uber-password to unlock the other passwords. Many apps are Keychain-aware (such as MacSFTP -- keeps you from having to re-enter your password for every SCP operation you perform). It goes without saying that your Keychain password ought to be very secure.

Useful Tools - Process Viewer

GUI for the Unix top command. Shows which apps are running on your Mac.
From here, you can select a process and the Process ID and Statistics tabs will display information about it. You can also go to the Processes menu and select “Quit Process” to kill it.

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