(Need to do primary DNS? Check here.)
yum install caching-nameserver
yum install xorg-x11-fonts-base yum install xorg-x11-font-utils yum install xorg-x11-fonts-truetype yum install xorg-x11-utils yum install xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
fc-cache -f -v
system-config-bindDo nothing; just exit. This creates the dummy config files.
cd /var/named chown named.named slaves chown named.named .
zone "your.domain.com" { type slave; file "named.hosts"; masters { ip.of.primary.dns; }; }; zone "ip.range.of.your.network.in-addr.arpa" { type slave; file "named.rev"; masters { ip.of.primary.dns; }; };If you have multiple VLSM'd IP ranges, add another .rev block for each.
allow-transfer {; };
- Make sure firewall on 2ndary allows UDP 53 from the world for basic lookups; TCP/53 if you want to enable zone transfers from it to other servers.
- Make sure firewall on primary allows TCP/53 from the 2ndary, and of course UDP 53 from the world.
- Make sure firewall in between the two lets them do same as above, and lets them both connect outbound to TCP and UDP 53.
service named restartIf no errors, done!