This section is sort of hard to explain. It's kind of a "Miscellaneous"
The title comes from the trademark Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch opener.
We begin with...
Rather Strange, But True: In Japan, two former television comedians
won the governorships of major cities Tokyo and Osaka... In Suriname, a
large piece of what looks like a rocket fell out of the sky and landed near
a village. This isn't that exciting, but we liked the district commissioner's
name: "Mohamed Dim Mohamed."... In Pennsylvania, two parishioners
at a Greensburg church were sent messages by a judge to quiet down. Apparently,
they repeatedly drowned out the choir with their "loud, raucous prayer."...
In Portland, Oregon, firefighters were called to rescue a woman and her
two children who were trapped in their upside-down car after a one-car accident.
While being extricated from the vehicle via the "Jaws of Life"
tool, the woman paused to take a call on her cellular phone, then proceeded
to have an argument with her husband... In South Africa, President Nelson
Mandela once again fired his estranged wife from her Cabinet position Friday.
Apparently, she contested the action the first time, and Mandela reinstated
her long enough to fire her constitutionally, thus removing the threat of
legal challenge... And this last item from Discover magazine: Tokyo researchers
trained pigeons to recognize certain paintings-either Picassos, which are
cubist, or Monets, which are impressionist. Not only did the birds learn
to identify the paintings they were shown, they were also able to differentiate
between other paintings that they had never seen before, depending on the
pigeons' individual training. In fact, the Picasso-trained group responded
correctly 90% of the time to other cubist works, such as those of Braque,
while the Monet-trained group reacted with equal accuracy to Renoirs.