02 Maizie and staff 1 of 3
03 Maizie and staff 2 of 3
04 Maizie and staff 3 of 3
05 Maizie singing
06 prairie dogs
07 prairie owl
08 shooting 1 of 10
09 shooting 2 of 10
10 shooting 3 of 10
11 shooting 4 of 10
12 shooting 5 of 10
13 shooting 6 of 10
14 shooting 7 of 10
15 shooting 8 of 10
16 shooting 9 of 10
17 shooting 10 of 10
18 Jeans house 1 of 3
19 Jeans house 2 of 3
20 Jeans house 3 of 3
21 Bedfords house 1 of 3
22 Bedfords house 2 of 3
23 Bedfords house 3 of 3
24 Chad and Ollie 1 of 2
25 Chad and Ollie 2 of 2
26 prairie owl again
27 prairie owl takeoff
29 Clair and Maizie 1 of 2
30 Clair and Maizie 2 of 2
31 prairie dog target before
32 prairie dog target after
33 Stevens bunny
34 me and horny toad
35 baby horny toad