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Macintosh Security Basics - Presentation Notes

Fetch security options

From Fetch’s Customize menu, select Preferences and click the Security tab.

You’ll see this when you connect:

Since the Kerberos thing is difficult or impossible to use, we can at least take advantage of the basic security features. Under Fetch’s Security preferences, checking the top two boxes will not make your connection secure, but at least it will remind you when you’re about to expose your password.


Normal POP/POP3 mail is unencrypted

But, most major email clients support SSL

• Mail server(s) must support it too

Eudora and Outlook both have SSL option
• Protects your password and content

• Only for the path between your Mac and your ISP.
Next hop mail server may not.

Always assume that your mail message is not going to be secure for its entire journey to the recipient.
Normal POP/POP3 mail is unencrypted, but most major email clients support some level of extra security (but again, the mail server(s) must support those features as well). Eudora and Outlook both have an option for email over SSL, which if supported on your service provider’s server, protects your password and the email content -- but only for the path between your Mac and your ISP. The next mail server down the line may not have SSL, so you should always assume that your mail message is not going to be secure for its entire journey to the recipient. Eudora also supports APOP (Authenticated Post Office Protocol) which encrypts your password (though not as securely as SSL). There is also S/MIME, in which both the sender and recipient use certificates to sign or encrypt email (sort of PGP-esque).


The encryption lecture covers the details of PGP. At least one PGP client for the Mac

• (formerly Network Associates, Inc.) has “PGPFreeware” (v. 7.0 at the time of this writing) for OS 9 and “PGP 8.0 LIVE” for OS X.
• Free for academic use
• Compatible with other flavors of PGP (such as GPG).

For OS X, there is also GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) -- more on that later.
NPGP, or Pretty Good Privacy, will be/has been discussed in depth in another class, so we won’t go into detail here. There is at least one PGP client for the Mac, which plugs in nicely to Eudora and probably Outlook, and which also provides an easy way to interact with non-standard email clients (like BlitzMail).

The client I use is made by (formerly Network Associates, Inc.) and is called simply “PGP” (v. 7.0 at the time of this writing). It’s free for academic use, and it’s compatible with other flavors of PGP (such as GPG).

You can get GPG for OS X, and at this time the GUI is still kinda clunky, but it works if you follow the directions carefully when you set it up.

Attachments (“Enclosures”)

Most common way of getting a virus or other malware is via email attachments

Lots of clever tactics to lure you into opening something that looks legit…beware!

As a Dartmouth Mac user, you have a rare advantage -- BlitzMail. It…

• doesn’t download attachments automatically
• doesn’t interpret HTML mail (spammers send HTML mail with bad Javascripts etc.)
• isn’t Outlook ;)
Probably the most common way of getting an unwanted program (such as a virus) is by receiving an attachment in email. In the last couple years, there have been a huge number of worms which infect Windows machines via the Outlook email program. This is not directly dangerous to Mac users, but it serves to illustrate a point. The recent “Klez” virus/worm used several tactics to increase the likelihood that a recipient of the virus would open the attachment; it would pull email addresses out of the user’s address book or web cache, and create Subject lines from bits of documents or cached webpages on the victim’s computer, then generate more emails from those. The result was that other victims would receive email from people they knew, with message content that looked familiar. What a lure!

The point here is that, while Klez posed no threat to Mac users (even Mac Outlook users), the methods used by Klez demonstrate that viruses can be pretty clever.

Be certain, before you open an attachment, that the sender really is the sender, and that it’s someone you trust. Even then, you should scan the file with your antivirus software before you open it. Norton and others can be easily configured to “quarantine” and check new files before you use them.

More on email at Dartmouth

• BlitzMail hides password (challenge-response)

• Comp Svcs is currently testing software to automatically filter/alert on virus-ridden email before it even gets to you

• Also, there are plans to make the servers fully IMAP-compliant (beta testing now)

• But, the session is still clear text. Your messages can be read.
Dartmouth’s BlitzMail system provides a simple, easy-to-use, yet powerful interface for electronic mail. Its simplicity and uniqueness also add to its security; BlitzMail is immune to all the Outlook email viruses, since it does not arbitrarily download or execute code of any sort. It also does not have HTML mail capability, which thwarts a great deal of spam email containing JavaScripts and other “spyware” elements. Macintosh BlitzMail versions since 2.0.5 will even detect a keystroke logger running on the user’s machine, and will not only alert the user to this fact, but will also scramble the keystrokes as they are written to the keystroke logger’s result file, so the malicious user cannot see what was typed.

BlitzMail’s brethren

Other secure ways to use Blitz:

• WebBlitz (Basement)

• NetBlitz (my favorite, if the regular client is unavailable)

• TextBlitz via SSH (old and primitive, but works in a pinch)
In addition to the real BlitzMail client, there are other secure ways to use Blitz.

WebBlitz -- Uses SSL to protect your session.

NetBlitz -- a streamlined web-based client.
Has multiple security options -- you can SSL-encrypt just your login, or your whole session, depending on how much speed vs. security you care about.

TextBlitz -- very bare-bones Blitz access. SSH to as user “blitz” with no password. You’ll be prompted for your BlitzMail login info. You can only read what’s in your inbox. This is very old.


Not really a big deal for Macs (so far).

• Again, small user base and the uniqueness of MacOS = small target
• Most recent big one: Word macro virus (which affected Word documents on all platforms)
• Also, a worm or two
Not a big deal for Macs. There just aren’t very many viruses out there. Again, the small user base and the uniqueness of MacOS make it a small, unattractive target for most of the virus-writing twits in the world.

Probably the most dramatic one in recent history was the Word macro virus (which affected Word documents on all platforms, not just the Mac). It wasn’t super-destructive, but it did manage to irritate just about everybody at Dartmouth for a few months.

Macro scripting language is supposed to be used for creating in-document shortcuts for repetitive functions. The macro scripting language developed by MS apparently can do much more, because a couple years back there was a huge epidemic of macro viruses in Word documents on Windows and Mac (mostly affecting Word version 6). These viruses did a variety of cute things, like alter your “Normal” Word template such that every Word document you opened or created would be infected, and/or embed a chunk of text in every Word document you ever opened, that you could NOT remove from the document (the text contained a message about a Scrabble game), and one variant could even hide a menu in the program (!) which you had to use in order to get rid of the virus! (I thought I had gone insane. The cleanup instructions said “1. Go to the Tools menu” and there WAS NO TOOLS MENU.)


3 or 4 other known Mac viruses

• Some do have destructive payloads

• Rate of infection is very low Run Norton Antivirus or equivalent

List and description of Mac viruses:
The macro virus thing is pretty much over. Word98 and up have macro support disabled by default and/or built-in macro virus detection. Also, antivirus utilities such as Norton are able to detect and clean or at least quarantine documents containing macro viruses.

The other fairly-memorable and somewhat recent Mac malware was a worm. It used QuickTime’s “autoplay” feature (which starts playing audio CDs as soon as they’re inserted) and some strains of the worm would destroy files with .dat or .data name extensions, but mostly all it did was start up Print Spooler and slow your system down. All you had to do to avoid infection was turn off the autoplay feature in QuickTime.

There are 3 or 4 other known Mac viruses, some of which do have destructive payloads (delete random files, interfere with loading of extensions, etc.) But the rate of infection is very low. If you’re paranoid, which is a good thing, run Norton Antivirus or another AV program. It’s a good idea to boot off the CD and have it scan your system BEFORE you install it, since some viruses try to disable AV programs. Hold down the C key to boot off a CD.

List and description of Mac viruses:


The firewall lecture covers how they work. Mac ones:

• Norton Personal Firewall for Macintosh
• OS X has built-in firewall software

In general, firewall software should:

• Have basic and advanced user modes
• Have good logging and notification options
• Support multiple rule sets
• Be able to export logs in standard formats
• Support multihoming
• Ideally, support egress filtering
The firewall lecture in this class covers what firewalls do and how they work. Norton Personal Firewall for Macintosh is a good choice. (OS X has built-in firewall software, but we’ll get into that later.)

A good firewall should be easy to use, have basic and advanced user modes, and have good logging (and should be able to export logs in standard formats, so you can analyze the logs with another program). It ought to support multihoming (I.e., separate rules for different network interfaces or locations, especially for PowerBook users), and ideally, filtering of outbound traffic (e.g., prevent your credit card number from being sent in a clear text format, or stop traffic destined for known Trojan horse ports.) A decent fw program should also allow you to have multiple sets of rules. You ought to be able to easily create a basic ruleset with high-security rules (the default set, preferably). There should be notification options (for example, Norton can pop up mini-windows telling you about access attempts right as they happen).

Ideally, your fw should have the abilitiy to silently drop OR explicitly reject traffic. And it should be stateful. But these last two features are pretty frequently left out of “personal” firewalls. If you really want to have these features, get a cheap old PC, install two cheap NICs, and put Linux with Netfilter on it for a dedicated, powerful, stateful inspection firewall and put your Mac behind it. :) But that’s kinda overkill.

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